LCNB Public Progress Report!

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  • #2210
    Ellis Davis

    Here on the public forum, you only get little bits and pieces about LCNB and you get no idea of how the system is doing.

    Well, on the Private Baccarat forum the complete Official Rules and instructions have all been posted along with many sample games on score card. 

    Many of the private students are already playing it in the casinos and their casino play reports are outstanding especially for a 2 Hi system.

    Because of its built in Mathematical Advantage – the only system in the world that has one, LCNB is scoring very high and very consistently.

    It wins in all shoe types and all card types – even on line.

    Unlike NOR, LCNB is a single system. Once you learn it, that’s it. That’s all there is to it. Simple.

    My long time students are saying it is my best work ever in 30 years. I definitely agree. It is the highest scoring 2Hi system by ANYBODY, EVER, AND the most consistent winning system ever. Huge Player Advantages.

    We are in the process of having it computer tested by an outside independent tester. I’ll let you know the results but it already looks like it will come in at more than ten times the advantage afforded by card counting.

    We recently checked it against the shoe Keith just posted on his new film about his new computer player. In fact, we played that shoe several ways based on our own system selection methods.

    Here is a copy of my post about the results from the Private Baccarat Forum:

    “Oh yeah, I’m sure some of you are wondering how Keith’s (Pompamo Mike’s) shoe did played LCNB???

    Well, the shoe again was:

    P611114222  P1111131112124  B11

    Played 2Hi exactly to the established LCNB rules:

    we hit +12 for the second time at play 15 where I would definitely have quit.

    If you miss that quit point, no worries, we hit +10, 6 times.

    This, in spite of the fact that the LC changed 4 times in this short shoe.

    So we hit +12 in 14 bets!

    Betting only 2 Hi, that’s about as spectacular as it gets.

    So, in review:

    LCNB scored +12

    Basic S40 scored +16

    S40+ scored +17

    S40 Exploit scored +27

    Keith scored +1 with MDB+

    What more can I say?

    Again, Rule#1 – you need to know which system to play.

    THAT is the name of the game!”







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