Training vs Playing

All industry, sport and Arts are based on training. Training is the ground structure that supports winning game play.  And we here at Casino Forum Club believe that practice makes perfect.

So if you want to become a Prolific Player of either Baccarat, Black Jack, Roulette or Craps then welcome to the Casino Forum Institute of learning.

We have the world’s #1 Black Jack & Baccarat instructor who actually is a retired College Math Professor who taught at SUNY University in New York.

And back in 1998 Mr. Davis turned his math theories into 2 million dollars on the Black Jack tables and quickly became a highly revered as a world ranking Black Jack & Baccarat Player who was known from Las Vegas to Atlantic City and even the Louisiana Gulf coast and the Bahamas as a winning player.

Fast forward to present day and we arrive here at Casino Forum Club where Mr. Davis lays his hat and offers to it’s Private Members the same sound learning institute approach to the complex world of Casinos and making it very simple, which is true mastery of the game.

So what does it cost to get your Bachelor of Arts in Baccarat & Black Jack?

A fraction of the highest tuitions being paid to achieve most of all respected professions.

Life is about the journey not the destination, so is gambling and playing with skill.

That skill comes from daily discipline and practice of sound training methods that win consistently, which we here at Casino Forum Club have to offer and still we are still constantly improving on over the ever changing games as well with current up to date winning strategies to keep you in the winners circle.

Come on what are you waiting for?

What have you got to lose but everything to gain!

Dean aka: CFC


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One thought on “Training vs Playing

  1. The next Baccarat hand is either an Opposite or a Repeat. The odds are 50/50. Nevertheless, the average untrained Bac player loses 57% of his hands.

    So the first order of business is to get you up to a 50% hands won rate – the table odds. That’s the easy part.

    From there, every Baccarat shoe ever dealt favors either Opposites or Repeats or Player or Bank. The idea is to get you playing WITH the shoe rather than AGAINST it as most players do.

    S0S likes those shoes that favor either Opposites or Repeats.

    S Bac likes those shoes that favor either Player or Bank.

    Either way, we’ve got you covered.

    Study and Practice! Study and Practice! Study and Practice!

    Oh, and in case I forgot to mention it:

    Study and Practice!

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